Help If you believe that the given times do not match your location, please check the time & regional settings on your device are set correctly. ChronosXP is a planetary hours astrology program for Windows. It runs from the system tray where it displays a glyph corresponding to the current planetary hour.Planetary hours/days can also be viewed for any given time.
ChronosXP v.3.0
ChronosXP is a planetaryhours astrology program for Windows. It runs from the system tray where it displays a glyph corresponding to the current planetary hour. Planetary hours/days can also be viewed for any given time or
Planetary Lunar and Stellar Visibility v.3.1

Planetary, Lunar, and Stellar Visibility presents a 3-color diagram that shows when a planet, a star, the moon or the sun is visible during any year from 3000 BC to AD 6000 at any location on the earth. The vertical axis marks the months of the year,
MITCalc - Planetary Gearing v.1.13

MITCalc - Planetary Gearing will help you perform geometric design and strength checking of spur gears with straight and helical toothing. Application is developed in MS Excel, is multi-language and supports Imperial and Metric units.The
MB Astrology Planetary Patterns v.1.0
MB Astrology Planetary Patterns Software finds the planetary patterns as they are displayed in your astrology natal chart and tells you the influences of the astrological planets considering their planetary patterns or planet positions. The
Forex Market Hours Monitor v.2.0
Forex Market Hours is a handy freeware program that allows keeping track on active Forex market sessions worldwide. Converting current user's time this Program can be used by all forex traders trading in any time zone.
Man-Hours Calculator v.1.0
This simple man-hours calculator is an easy manager tool that figures out if you have the man-power available to handle your employee coverage needs to get the job done. It will show you how many man-hours you are over, or under.
MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) v.1.0

MB Graha Drishti (Planetary Aspects) calculates the planetary aspects according to Vedic Astrology. Graha Drishti implies planets that are aspected by the specific planet and the planets that aspect this planet. The aspects of the Grahas or planets
MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects v.1.0
MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Aspects finds the mutual effects of the planets due to their planetary positions and explains the influence of the planetary aspects on your personality and natural traits. This tool lets you know the planetary positions
MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Dignities v.1.0
MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Dignities shows the rulership of the planets in the signs they are present in based on Vedic Astrology. Each planet may or may not be compatible with the sign it is present in. The placements effects the expression of the
Planetary Foe v.rc
Planetary Force is a platform shooter spaceship game entirely written in Assembly Language. It contains other utilities such as a stage editor which was written in Delphi and a bitmap editor which was also written in Assembly
Planetary Hoppers v.0.24.0
Planetary Hoppers is a Java based space strategy game.The game is multiplayer, TCP/IP-based classic style strategy for upto 70 players. Single player mode is not currently
The Dreadful Hours v.1.0
The Dreadful hours is a simple and intuitive database browser : it presents data from an existing database and allows user to browse from table to table and from row to row.

Planetary Scale Event Router v.1.0
Planetary Scale Event Propagation and Router ('PsEPR' pronounced 'pepper') is an experimental status and notification service. Pub/sub system for exchange of XML messages creating an event service for PlanetLab (
Online Planetary Gaming System v.1.0
We are developing a gaming engine that can be used for either online planetary based strategy games , backend systems for Torque based games or online planetary/resource based gaming leagues.
Planetary Force v.rc
Planetary Force is a platform shooter spaceship game entirely written in Assembly Language. It contains other utilities such as a stage editor which was written in Delphi and a bitmap editor which was also written in Assembly Language.
Hours to SQL-Ledger v.0.20
We took the 'Hours' project, which is an open source PalmOS based hours tracking application, and created a perl script which runs on the SQL-Ledger server, parses the emailed project hours, and inserts the data into SQL-Ledger's 'Time ...

Universalis Liturgy of the Hours v.1.20
Includes Morning Prayer (Lauds), Evening Prayer (Vespers), Night Prayer (Compline), the Office of Readings, readings at Mass, and a full liturgical calendar with local variations for English-speaking countries including the UK and the USA. View
Office Hours Scheduling System v.3.1.0
Planetary Hours Calculator
A web-based system for posting and scheduling office hour
Planetary GIS v.1.0
JROAM is an open source terra scale GIS capable of handling extremely large datasets.
Work Time Calculator v.1.0
Display remaining work time based on start time, ending time, and hours worked in a time.