Experience Star Wars™ Racer Revenge™ for PS2™ with full 1080p up-rendering and Trophies. Additional enhanced features include Shareplay, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App. BrbrFight to the finish at 600mph.brbrRace against 18 of the most aggressive, unforgiving Podracers in the universe, with supercharged A.I. Keeping you in the. Star Wars Racer Revenge Cheats. Star Wars Racer Revenge cheats, and Codes for PS2. Also see GameShark Codes for more Star Wars Racer Revenge cheat codes. Jump to: Cheat (20). Feb 11, 2002 ISO download page for Star Wars: Racer Revenge (PS2) - File: Star Wars - Racer Revenge (Europe).torrent - EmuRoms.ch. Aug 24, 2019 Thus the stage is set for Star Wars Racer Revenge, bringing newer, faster, and even more dangerous Podracing to the galaxy-taking you on a one-way ride to ultimate victory. Jockey for position with a tangle of Podracing opponents or leave the pack behind at intense, nerve-jangling, planet-scorching simulated speeds of up to 600 mph.
As the Star Wars money machine gears up for a massive Episode II onslaught this spring, LucasArts will fire the opening salvo by releasing games that hope to take our minds out of Middle Earth, and back to that ancient galaxy so far, far away. One such console project is Star Wars Racer Revenge, a follow-up to the superb Episode I Racer (on N64 and DC) released in 1999.

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RR takes place eight years after Anakin Skywalker served up humiliating defeat for his podracing archrival, Sebulba. Now the ugly little bastard (Sebulba, that is) is back and cruisin' for another bruisin'.
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Star Wars Racer Revenge Ps4
If, by looking at these screenshots, you think that podracing involves flying two massive jet engines by the seat of your Padawan jockeys at speeds of up to 600 mph, you're absolutely right. In a lot of ways. RR is essentially a beefed-up version of podracing for the PS2. That reckless sense of speed is back, along with 14 original tracks and a roster of opponents, both new and old. The play mechanics are faithful to that of the prequel, too. You turbo boost, at the risk of overheating your engines--or hit the airbrakes to powerslide around those hairpin turns. Take too much damage and you may have to slow down to repair your ride.
Star Wars Racer Revenge Ps2 Iso Ntsc Download
The biggest change to the game is the behavior of the computer drivers. No, they may not be realistic or smart, but now they're pissed. Learn to drive offensively, or you'll literally get slammed off the track. If you thought podracing was fast before, it's just plain brutal now in RR. This tweak to the formula significantly changes the flow of the race. You're constantly watching your blind spots and driving to shaft the competition.Admittedly, RR may not go out on a limb to create something totally unique, but it takes all that was great about the first game (speed and controls), and polishes the zero-g thrill ride to a glossy shine.
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