Supplier: Team CYGiSO Release-Date: 2013-01-27
Cracker: Team CYGiSO Program-Rating: 10/10
Price: >10.000,- Euro Image Format: ISO
ProgramType: CAD/CAM Program used: CDRWin
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DVD 1: 1 - 26 1194 MB
Release informations
Vero VISI v20.0 *MULTiLANGUAGE* (c) Vero Software
VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC based CAD / CAM
solutions for the Mould & Die industries. It offers a unique
combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and
solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5 axis machining strategies
with dedicated high speed routines. Industry specific applications for
plastic injection tool design including material flow analysis and
progressive die design with step-by-step unfolding provide the
toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity
Vero Software offers dedicated solutions that eliminate the links
between varying software suppliers and the solid-to-surface or CAD / CAM
geometry conversions required by traditional systems
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
1 GHz or faster processor
5 GB free hard disk space
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Vero VISI 2021.0.2042
Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division is pleased to announce the release of VISI 2020.0.2042 (SU2042). Visi 2021 base release sees a raft of improvements, including those made to its CAD analysis, multi-element body-to-mould, and part-unfolding elements.
Hexagon has announced the release of VISI 2021, its specialist mold and die CAD/CAM software. The new release features a number of enhancements, according to the company.

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Vero VISI is acknowledged as one of the worlds leading CAD/CAM solutions for the mold & die industries. It offers a unique combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and solid modeling, and comprehensive 2D, 3D, and 5-axis machining strategies with dedicated high speed routines. Industry-specific applications for plastic injection tool design, including material flow analysis and progressive die design with step-by-step unfolding, provide the toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity
CAD: analysis benefits from a new function which improves the suite of analysis-shading modes. Draft Analysis has been added to the existing Undercut and Accessibility shading, performing an on-the-fly analysis of the draft angle. This uses the same technique as in the undercut mode, but extended to more ranges. The colors and angular value of each range can be changed by simply clicking on the colors or numeric labels on the graphics toolbar.
Repair functions used in the Repair Invalid Faces of Bodies command are now integrated in the Validate command. It is now also possible to zoom in on any potential issues using the Auto Zoom function.
Developments to the CAD Reverse module enhanced the Reverse and Casting processes. The scanning operation has been improved with the shaded view, giving better and faster feedback. Also, new features have been added to increase the probing solution. ’Leapfrog’ management in Casting has been reviewed to guarantee correct scanning with the laser tracker, for both small and large parts. And Reverse projects now benefit from faster and more precise surface creation.
With Point Scanning, the shaded point cloud is now shown during the scanning operation, giving the operator an immediate view of what has been correctly scanned, and if anything is missing.
An additional option has been added to automatically create a mesh as a scanning result, which Cafasso says is particularly valuable when a quicker, rather than detailed, result is needed.

Enhancements to probing during the Reverse process include the ability to detect the correct diameter of the part in relation to the position of the probed points. A Circle/Slot probing feature has been added for probing and designing a circle or slot, giving several options to guarantee the probed element is the correct size and in the correct position.
Vero Visi Series
The new Curve probing feature allows the user to probe a curve alongside the part. This can save time where curves are used to identify the shape – they can be used to create the relative surfaces, avoiding the need to create a mesh first.
A Mesh to Advanced Surface feature has been added for creating a good quality surface, representing an alternative to the standard Mesh to Surface command.
MOLD – Body to Mold: Additional options to existing commands, along with new items of functionality, make part position management considerably easier. With Body to Mold, there is a new option for selecting multiple elements, including solids and surfaces, and moving the selected bodies to the mold position. During part positioning, ’not uniform scaling values’ can now be defined by the user and the system automatically sets the relative shrinkage data in a special Assembly Manager field.
With Mold to Body, the system allows multiple elements to be selected, including solids and surfaces, and to move he complete mold back into Body position. When browsing mold parts, the system lists those which have been defined as ’body to mold,’ showing all relevant data. And defined ’shrinkage’ data can be edited in the ’reset scale on parts’ function.
PROGRESS – Part Unfolding: To provide a powerful and complete solution to this new unfolding approach, additional features have been included for flanges and parts with non-linear blends. 'The aim is to study and modify a part, preserving the links between the different unfolding steps,' Cafasso says.
The Part Definition feature has been improved, delivering better and faster part analysis, identifying the different face types, defining material, and setting linear bends for unfolding. Different colors can be set in relation to different neutral-fiber values, providing quick identification for unfolded linear bends and fiber values.
CAM Simulation: An interface with Hexagon’s G-code simulator, NCSIMUL Advanced, is offered as a cost option in VISI 2021. Cafasso explains that NCSIMUL manages the complete machining process from the NC program to the machined part. 'Its capabilities include automatic G-code reprogramming, G-code simulation and cutting-tool management,' he says.
An enhanced waveform algorithm prevents tool damage around pegs (or thin walls) left during the milling process. Those areas are now identified, and the XY step reduced, smoothing the corners. This reduces tool stress, making damage or breakage much less likely.
WIRE: VISI 2021 introduces a new command, which duplicates an existing wire EDM machine, improving project management for manufacturers using two or more different models from the same machine manufacturer, such as Sodick and Agie.
This video covers the latest Release of VISI 2021.0 and all of the software enhancements
Product:Vero VISI 2021.0.2042