Garfield - Scary Scavenger Hunt 2
Garfield speedruns lasagna in world record time. Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 Donuts of Doom Originally posted by Eternal Becky 1) Go far left and pick up the matchsticks and the empty donut box. 2) Now go far right and pick up the bone. 3) Then click on the fire place so that there will be light. 4) Now go to the right cell and click on the left candle stand (The one that is tilted ). If the last horror adventure you had with Garfield didn’t scare you enough, and you’re down for some more, then nothing should stop you from playing Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 right now, one of the best point-and-click adventure games this category has had, made even better by the fact that it is in the horror survival genre.
-Go far left and pick up the matchsticks and the empty donut box.
-Now go far right and pick up the bone.
-Then click on the fire place so that there will be light.
-Now go to the right cell and click on the left candle stand
(The one that is tilted).

-Come out and use the key in the closed cell.
-Go up the ladder and give the bone to the dog. You just have to
click on the dog.
-Go through the hole that is in the chimney.
-Pick up the donuts that you find on your way.
-Pick up the remote control which is hidden in the couch.
-Now go through the door on the left. Walk straight and click on the
TV. You will get the Box of SOUR CREAM DONUTS.

the wall will be needed later. Click on it. Maybe you should write it
down somewhere for those who want to solve it themselves. For the rest

-Keep looking for the fallen donuts on your way.
-Now come back out and go through the door which is near the big stairs.
Keep going straight and you will end up in a Dining hall.
-Click on the covering bowl. To get those donuts you will have to play a
game with the skeleton. When you win you will get the ASSORTED DONUTS.
-Come out to the main hall and go up the stairs. When you climb up the
stairs, climb up the ladder which goes to the attic. Play the game with
the Bats and get the CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS
-Climb back down and go to the left door. Click on the mirror twice and
then solve the jigsaw puzzle and get the MINI POWDERED SUGAR DONUTS.
-Come back out and go through the blue door which leads to the bedroom.
Get the Bobby pin from the dressing table.
-Now go right, you will come to a bathroom. Take the newspaper which is
on the floor.
-Come back out and go through the door on the right. Here is where you
will need the music pattern.
-Click on the spiders in this pattern...1444566654564 and you will get

Garfield Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 Game Download Full
the MINI CINNAMON DONUTS.-Go back to the kitchen and use the Bobby pin to open the lock on the
-Now go back to the master bedroom where you found the bobby pin. Go
through the big mouse hole that just opened behind the dressing table.
-Play the game with the mouse. Click on the blue berry muffins that pops
up from the hole and fill in the box. You get the box of BLUEBERRY MUFFINS.
-Now go to the library. Click on the second shelf from the right and the
secret door will open. You will enter the maze. Keep going through the
maze till you find the Bobble heads. Talk to the Bobble heads to get the
code for the exit. The code is 95844 But I think it change all the time.

just have to click him a few times and thats it. Enter the code on the
Garfield Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 Game Download Pc
door and you are free.-Make sure you collect all the CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS that are fallen
Garfield Scary Scavenger Hunt 2 Game Download Free