Voxer App

Have you been feeling stuck, overwhelmed and confused and can’t seem to get out of your own way to allow things to happen for you?

Do you have biz and personal goals but nothing seems to inspire you to get to work on them?

Are you a photographer / artist / or other creative that wants to get your work out into the world but feel overwhelmed about being visible?

Are you wanting to start your own creative biz and have lots of questions but no one to ask them to?

How would it feel instead to…

Jan 04, 2021 Voxer allows users to communicate with live audio, like a walkie talkie, but all messages are saved so that you can listen and respond later. Voxer features end-to-end encryption, so if security is a concern for you then this is a great option for you. There are additional sharing options as well, including photos, locations, or GIFs. Manage chats with more control. Create chats for up to 500 members, remove and add members as needed, and recall messages. And, send announcements as one-way messages. Go hands-free on mobile. With Walkie Talkie Mode and a headset, use Voxer hands-free without even being in the app. Own your message activity. As much message storage as you need.

  • Get your questions answered as they come up!
  • Have support and guidance for a day (instead of an hour) in a non pressured format
  • Have someone to bounce ideas off of and “pick their brain
  • Have breakthroughs, clarity and aha moments that make you feel like you’re in the flow and ready to take inspired action

I’ve got something that can help…

A Day of Voxer 1:1 Coaching & Support!!!

1 – Get Booked

When you sign up you’ll get…

  • a link to the calendar to choose a date
  • a link to the worksheet to prep for our day
  • a payment link to make it official!
  • My account name on Voxer so we can connect!

2 – Get Set Up on Voxer

  • Voxer is free – just download it from the App store
  • Create an account
  • Connect with me to make sure there are no tech issues
  • Already have an account? Great! Make sure to connect with me!

3 – Get Psyched!

  • You’ll have access to me for 8 hours from 9AM – 5PM EST (unless we agreed on a different time frame)
  • Get your questions ready!
  • We’ll message back and forth – you’ll get real-time answers throughout the day
  • You’ll have time to reflect and start to implement what we discussed
  • I’ll be there to nudge you on and keep you accountable

What’s great about Day of Voxer & what makes it different?

Day of Voxer is a flexible, convenient and effective method of 1:1 coaching and support.

Why trust me? Because I’ve been on the receiving end of it!! Before I decided to offer this new service I wanted to try it out for myself to see the value in it – so I hired a coach who had a similar offering and can I tell you – I FRIGGIN’ LOVED IT!

  • I felt secureknowing she was there for me to answer my questions as they came up throughout the day
  • I LOVED that I was able to go on with my day and not have to schedule a specific call and clear my family out of the room so I can have privacy.
  • I was able to do my own work, make my kids lunch, exercise and journal without the pressure of time constraint.
  • I had accountability to get my stuff done – and so much more!

Hey I’m Stacey!

I’m a photographer, artist and mindset coach for female creatives.

I believe MINDSET and CREATIVITY are the foundation to everything!

As a creative, I get how we think. We feel vulnerable to put our work out there because we feel like we ARE our work! We want to CREATE and not think about the stuff that goes with having a creative biz. Am I right?!?

I saw how important my mindset practice was when back in 2018 I was diagnosed with HPV throat cancer. I instinctively knew to focus on wellness and not illness, set boundaries and make treatment decisions that were right for ME.

It’s my goal and pleasure to support and guide you on your own creative journey!

  • you’re tired of feeling stuck and need someone to brainstorm with to get you out of the funk
  • you need help creating a road map and action plan for your goals
  • you want to get your creative projects out into the world and don’t know where to start
  • you have questions about any of these topics and need answers NOW!mindset, goals, vision boards, journaling, photography, creativity, starting a biz, social media
  • you’re ready to do the work, get things done and make it happen!
  • you need more intense, long term coaching ( I offer that as well!)
  • you have questions about topics I’m not qualified to answer
  • you’re looking for a therapist (that’s not me!)
  • you’re not going to make yourself available

Voxer App Apple


A free, easy to use walkie-talkie app where you can send voice and text-based messages

Before – A questionnaire to help you prepare for or day together

During – Support from Stacey Natal between the hours of 9am – 5pm EST – 8 hours!!!

After – you’ll be able to save and download our conversation from Voxer

I’ve been coaching for a while now but this format is new to me sooooo while I’m in the developmental stage, you get an introductory rate of $197!!! 8 hours for $197!!!Wha?!? Yep – you read that right! I’ll be tweaking things with each session to refine the process but you’ll be getting LOTS of VALUE!!

Can I book now but have the session at a later date?

Yes! You want to get one of those 5 initial spots at $97? Pay now, pick a date later.

I can definitely help you in the areas of mindset, creativity, goals, photography, starting a biz. Need help with specific things like Facebook ads, complicated funnels or if you could benefit from therapy, I’m definitely not the right person.

What does the day look like? Do I have to be glued to my phone all day?

That’s the beauty of this session – you can use the 8 hours however you’d like! Go about your day – go to the bathroom, make your kids lunch, work on your biz and in between all of that you have the security to know that I’ll there when you need me

I'm in a different time zone. Can we adjust the hours?

I want to be as accommodating as I can. Contact me and I’ll see how I can modify the time frame to work for both of us.

Find out why Voxer is the most innovative push-to-talk live voice messaging solution in the world from our Chairman and Founder Tom Katis.

What is Voxer?

Voxer is a free app that combines the best of voice, text, photo and video messages for a powerful and personal messaging tool. Easily and instantly communicate with friends, family or teams at work – live or later. Voxer works over any 3G, 4G, or WIFI network in the world.

Voxer is the only service that delivers voice live - so it can be listened to immediately - and simultaneously records the message - so it can be listened to later. We have 120 global patents for this unique technology that is used in over 200 countries.

“…an ingenious crossbreed of text messages and phone calls.”

- The New York Times

“…with its clear audio and fast response, this is our favorite way to communicate quickly.”


“…Voxer makes PTT not just useful on smartphones, but maybe a life changer because of its ease-of-use..”

- PC Magazine

Voxer Apple Watch


To build a live multimedia communication service is no easy task, but it means we get to work with some of the most exciting technology in the world.

We are one of the largest Node.js users, and we run one of the largest Riak clusters in the world.

Voxer App Not Working
