Helping Verbs List With Urdu Meaning Pdf

  • A Phrasal of verbs is basically A verb used along with a preposition, Like: up, out, on. Many others prepositions can used in Phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs can improve your writing and conversational skill. English Phrasal verbs meanings in Urdu, Hindi, Roman Urdu. Phrasal verbs translated into Urdu, Hindi, Roman Urdu.
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  1. OVERT (ADJECTIVE): Obvious

Synonyms: apparent, definite

Antonyms: obscure, uncertain

Helping verbs are verbs that help the main verb in a sentence by extending its meaning. They can also add detail to how time is conveyed in a sentence. As a result, helping verbs are used to create the most complicated in English: the progressive and the perfect aspects.

Sentence: The new guest smiled in return but gave no overt sign of knowing the man.

  1. MEDDLESOME (ADJECTIVE): Interfering

Synonyms: intrusive, meddling

Antonyms: avoiding, dodging

Sentence: She made a meddlesome remark.

  1. MINCING (ADJECTIVE): Affected

Synonyms: artificial, dainty

Antonyms: extroverted, unaffected

Helping Verbs List With Urdu Meaning Pdf Online

Sentence: Naira can’t put up with his mincing voice for rest of her life.

Helping Verbs List With Urdu Meaning Pdf 2017

  1. LAVISH (ADJECTIVE): wasteful

Synonyms: extravagant, profligate

Antonyms: economical, mean

Sentence: She came to a grief because of his lavish spending habits.


Synonyms: short, terse

Antonyms: verbose, wordy

Sentence: Though his speech was laconic, yet it was lucid.


Synonyms: enormous, gargantuan

Antonyms: little, miniature

Sentence: A mammoth project will be completed very soon.

  1. MENACE (NOUN): danger

Synonyms: threat, peril

Antonyms: safety, surety

Sentence: Terrorism is a potential menace to the integrity of the country.


Synonyms: understandable, palpable

Antonyms: unclear, obscure

Sentence: His evil intentions were manifest when he mentioned the question of dowry.

  1. MODICUM (NOUN): small amount

Synonyms: ounce, shred

Helping Verbs List With Urdu Meaning Pdf Printable

Antonyms: lot, whole

Sentence: There is no modicum of truth in her statement.

  1. OBLIVION (NOUN): mental blankness

Synonyms: forgetfulness, unconsciousness

Antonyms: awareness, concern

Sentence: He drank himself into oblivion.

Helping verbs are defined as verbs that help the main verb in a sentence by extending its meaning. They add detail to the main verb and are needed to complete the structure of a sentence. They can also clarify how time is conveyed in a sentence. As a result, helping verbs are used to create the complicated progressive and perfect verb tenses. Learn about the two types of helping verbs (auxiliary and modal) and review examples of each.

Helping Verbs Table

Helping Verb Type 1: Auxiliary Verbs

Helping verbs that add meaning to the clause where they are being used are called auxiliary verbs. This usage is so common that the terms helping verb and auxiliary verb are often used interchangeably. This type of helping verb is used to express tense or add emphasis.

Auxiliary Verb Forms

The three most common auxiliary verbs are 'to be,' 'to have' and 'to do.' Each of these types has multiple forms:

  • to be - am, is, are, was, were, be, been
  • to have - have, has, had
  • to do - do, does, did

Auxiliary Verb Example Sentences

The words 'be,' 'do' and 'have' can be either standalone or auxiliary verbs. These words are functioning as auxiliary verbs if they are teamed with other verbs to complete a verb phrase. The following sentences include examples of auxiliary verbs. In each sentence, the auxiliary verb is bold and the verb it is helping is underlined.

  • I amhaving another piece of pizza.
  • She ismaking dinner for us now.
  • They areplanning to go out of town.
  • She wasgiven the grand prize.
  • We werepleased to be included.
  • Will you begoing?
  • I've beenrunning for over an hour.
  • I havegrown tomatoes before.
  • Who hastraveled to Colorado?
  • He hadasked if he could take that blanket.
  • I do find that show amusing.
  • Sally goesskiing every winter.
  • Who didsolve the puzzle?

Helping Verb Type 2: Modal Verbs

Not all helping verbs are auxiliary verbs. Helping verbs sometimes perform other tasks within a sentence. Helping verbs that further modify the action or meaning of the main verb in a sentence are called modal verbs.

List of Modal Verbs

There are a number of modal verbs in the English language. Modal verbs do not change form.

  • can
  • could
  • may
  • might
  • will
  • would
  • shall
  • should
  • must
  • ought to

Modal Verb Example Sentences

Modal verbs help to show obligation, possibility or necessity in a sentence. The following sentences include examples of modal helping verbs. In each sample sentence, the modal verb is bold and the verb the modal verb is helping is underlined.

  • Sal canname all the U.S. presidents.
  • I wish I couldsing.
  • I mayleave a day early.
  • I mighteat pizza for dinner.
  • I willread two books this weekend.
  • Would you mind if I stayed here for a while?
  • Who shallvolunteer to lead the committee?
  • You shouldgo home and lie down.
  • When it's your turn, you mustgo.
  • This ought tofix the problem.

Helping Verbs List With Urdu Meaning Pdf Free

Progressive and Perfect Aspects

Different helping verbs are used for different purposes in sentences. One of the main functions of an auxiliary verb is to situate the action of a sentence in a particular aspect of time. Auxiliary verbs play a role in the progressive and perfect aspects of time. In the example sentences below, the helping verbs are bold and the main verbs are underlined.

Using the Progressive Aspect

When the main verb in a sentence ends in -ing, the progressive tense is often being used. This tense is used to convey the notion that an action is occurring in an ongoing fashion. The forms of the helping verb to be (am, is, are, was, and were) are used to convey the progressive tense.

  • I amrenting my guesthouse to my neighbor.
  • Steve isstarting a new personal training business.
  • Christopher and Bernadette aremoving to Baton Rouge.
  • It israining almost every day.
  • We wereplanning our next vacation.

Using the Perfect Aspect

The perfect aspect is used to explain an action that is/was/will be in a state of progress and is/was/will be completed before a particular time. Forms of the verbs 'to have' and 'to do' are often used to create the various perfect tenses. There are three different forms of the perfect aspect in English: past perfect, present perfect and future perfect. The perfect aspect can also be used in the continuous form to show actions that are ongoing.

  • past perfect - She hadstolen the car already by then.
  • present perfect- She hasworked here for a long time.
  • future perfect - Barbara will havefinished her performance by the time we get there.
  • past perfect continuous - I had beendreaming about you when you called.
  • present perfect continuous - Dave has beenworking on the task all day.
  • future perfect continuous - The plants will have beengrowing a month by the time the stakes arrive.

The continuous tenses are often described as progressive rather than continuous.

Helping Verbs Usage Rules and Tips

Now that you know what helping verbs are, it's also important to keep in mind that the verb phrase in a sentence should not include more than three helping verbs. When used properly, helping verbs perform some of the most intricate work in English verb phrases. The more complex aspects, progressive and perfect, should be approached by writers who already have an advanced understanding of English sentence structure. Helping verbs should be studied after a solid foundation of simple verbs has been achieved. If you need to review a bit before tackling these tenses, go back and explore the basics of verbs.

Helping Verbs List With Urdu Meaning Pdf File

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