Leapfrog Viewer. A free desktop application, anyone can view scene files exported from Leapfrog modelling products. This video is for kids. It can help them know the letters and sound of each. This is interesting to watch because of its music playing. LeapFrog Connect Software (9) LeapFrog Epic Tablet (29) LeapPad Jr. (6) LeapPad Platinum (21) LeapPad Tablets (1) LeapPad Ultra (32) LeapPad1 (2011 version) (19). Leapfrog Connect Application Software Internet Disconnector v.1.12 Internet Disconnector is a utility to automatically close your internet connection after some unuse time.
For PC:
Leapfrog Connector
To uninstall the LeapFrog Connect Application from a Windows® operating system, follow these steps:
1. Close all programs.
2. Unplug any LeapFrog® toys that are attached via USB to your computer.
3. Click Start and then point to Programs.
4. Point to LeapFrog Connect and then click Uninstall LeapFrog Connect.
5. Follow the prompts to complete the process.
6. Click Continue in the last screen.
Leapfrog Connect Download Free

7. You will see the following dialog box once the uninstall process is complete. Click OK to close the dialog box.
8. Restart your computer.

For Mac:
To uninstall the LeapFrog Connect Application from a Mac® operating system, follow these steps:
1. Drag the LeapFrog Connect Application from the Applications folder to the Trash.
2. Drag the following file to the Trash: /Library/Application Support/LeapFrog/LeapFrog Connect/InstalledComponents.xml
3. Open the Activity Monitor application, which is located in the following folder: /Applications/Utilities/Activity Monitor 2
4. In the Activity Monitor application, find the Process Name Monitor. Highlight Monitor and then click the Quit Process icon in the upper left corner of the application.
5. Empty the Trash.
After you have uninstalled the LeapFrog Connect Application, install it again with the CD that came with your toy or by going to leapfrog.com/support and clicking the LeapFrog Connect link to download the installer.