- Http://multihacks.org
- Multi Hack 2019
- Multi Hacksaw Cutting Machine
- Multi Hack Metin 2
- Multi Hack Fortnite

The Multi-Hack mod increases the amount of times a portal can be hacked by an Agent before burning out the portal. When used in combination with the Heat Sink, this mod can be great in farms to increase the item return in a short amount of time.
This is the latest version of the COD: BO2 MultiHack. The MultiHack is the most versatile and adaptable hack currently existing on the web. Included are a prestige hack, ingame hacks and unlockables. This makes it possible to unlock all weapons, camouflages, emblems and much more. Jul 15, 2021 Hello. Its internal/external multihack for CS:GO. Its legit cheat. Demo: Press Insert to open menu. Press Delete to reload config. But don’t worry, we’ll share some of the best cheats for multiplayer games like Battlefield 5, The Division 2, and others! The Best Undetected Game Hacks Unlike public cheats that anyone can download (including the game developers), private cheats are more closed off communities where expert game hacking programmers create cheats for these.
Discussion on Reksati Multihack GF within the Metin2 Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits & Macros forum part of the Metin2 category.
Multi-Hack stats
Each deployed Multi-hack increases the amount of times a portal can be hacked gradually, meaning that the first common Multi-hack gives you 4 more hacks the same amount as if you were to add a fourth common Multi-hack. The Multi-hack comes in 3 different rarities too each increasing the number of hacks:
Common: + 4 hacks;
Rare: + 8 hacks;
Very Rare: + 12 hacks;
When 4 very rare Multi-hacks are deployed, you get 4 + (4 * 12) = 52 hacks before you burn out the portal. This however would be a waste as 52 hacks with a 5 minute cool down between hacks would take 260 minutes to burn out a portal which is longer than the 240 minutes that it takes for a portal to reset it’s hack count from the agent’s first hack.
To burn out a portal as it is resetting you will want a total of + 44 additional hacks. This can be obtained by 3 Very Rare mods and 1 rare mod.
eXact Matter Usage
Common: 400 XM
Rare: 800 XM
- Very Rare: 1000 XM
Today, Our team present to you our Metin2 Multibot, this is a Multihack and a Levelbot together.
Features - Levelbot:
- Pottbot(Potts will be automatically searched)
- Skillbot with adjustable time
- Auto Attack(Char is running to mobs and hitting them)
- MobPuller (with adjustable time, or with hotkey (F10))
- PickUp
- Restart here
Features - Multi-Hack:
- Speed Hack(without being teleportet back)
- Attackspeed
- Attackrange
- Weapon-Hold
- Combo
- OneHit-Hack
- Wallhack
- Zoomhack
- NoFog
- MobOnClick
Multi Hack 2019
2) Unzip the package somewhere.
3) Start the injector and drag the dll on the form
4) Inject the dll into Metin
5) Choose your settings and have fun
6) Dont let you catch by GMs
Multi Hacksaw Cutting Machine
Your character will use every x seconds 1 pott. The bot looks for the potts itself in the inventory.

Restart here:
Once your character is dead, it automatically restarts here.
Your character will pick up anything on the ground and in his range.
GM Detector:
Once a GM is in near, a warning and an annoying beep will appear.
Auto attack
Your character attacks just as if you would press the space bar.
Mobs Attack:
Your character runs to the nearest mob and attacks them.
Attack without moving:
Your character attacks just as if you would press the space bar, but without moving.
Pull mobs 1x:
Pulls all the mobs near you one time. You can do this also with F10.
Pull one mob every x ms:
Always pulls one mob every x milliseconds. Recommended value: 100 - 150.
Walk Speed/Attack Speed/Attack Range:
Your character runs/hits faster. Value not recommended higher than 16600. Otherwise kiks.
Your character hits 2 times more per round.
Weapon hold:
Determines how your character holds his weapon.
You can teleport yourself. Teleport hotkeys: Home, End, Delete, PageDown
Your character can walk through everything.
Zoom Hack / NoFog:
You can zoom infinitely out./There is no fog at all.
All mobs that you right click will attack you.
UpItem Normal:
The item of slot 1 will be upped, regargless where you are.
If you are at the DT-Blacksmith, Regardless of the blacksmith, you can up everything.
Run to nearest Metin:
Your character runs to the nearest Metin and attacks it.