
Sep 30, 2014 RoboCop RoboCopy is a GUI skin and script generator for Robocopy.exe (Win NT Resource Kit). RoboCop RoboCopy is unlike any other robocopy script generator available. What makes this one different? Well in a nut shell the ability to monitor the progress of the robocopy job. Robocopy or Robust File and Folder Copy application is very popular amongst Windows system administrators. Robocopy will copy the local or given file to the remote or destination location. Robocopy Features. The command robocopy provides very useful features for files copying over network. Below we will list some of them. Robocopy, is a command-line directory/file replication command. By default Robocopy will only copy a file if the source and destination have different time stamps or different file sizes. Or can I rephrase it and add an answer showing that you can put quotes around the argument to /log switch of robocopy? – slm Dec 16 '11 at 15:25 No reason to delete @slm. If one of the above comments helped you find the problem, ask them to post it as an answer, and then mark the answer correct.

  1. Robocopy Examples
  2. Robocopy Switches
  3. Robocopy Alternatives
  4. Robocopy Gui
  5. Robocopy Download

Robocopy is a robust file copy command for the Windows command line. It allows users to copy files, directories, and even drives from one location to another.


Robocopy is an external command that is available for the following Microsoft operating systems as robocopy.exe.

  • Windows NT (In resource kit)
  • Windows 2000 (In resource kit)
  • Windows Server 2008

Robocopy syntax

sourceSource directory (drive:path or serversharepath).
destinationDestination directory (drive:path or serversharepath).
fileFile(s) to copy (names/wildcards: default is '*.*').

Copy options

/SCopy subdirectories, but not the empty ones.
/ECopy subdirectories, including the empty ones.
/LEV:nOnly copy the top n levels of the source directory tree.
/ZCopy files in restartable mode.
/BCopy files in backup mode.
/ZBUse restartable mode. If access denied, use backup mode.
/EFSRAWCopy all encrypted files in EFS RAW mode.
/COPY:copyflag[s]What to COPY for files (default is /COPY:DAT).
(copyflags : D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps).
(S=Security=NTFS ACLs, O=Owner info, U=aUditing info).
/DCOPY:TCOPY the directory timestamps.
/SECCopy files with security (equivalent to /COPY:DATS).
/COPYALLCopy all file info (equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU).
/NOCOPYCopy no file info (useful with /PURGE).
/SECFIXFix file security on all files, even skipped files.
/TIMFIXFix file times on all files, even the skipped ones.
/PURGEDelete dest files/dirs that no longer exist in the source.
/MIRMirror a directory tree (equivalent to /E plus /PURGE).
/MOVMove files (delete from the source after copying).
/MOVEMove files and dirs (delete from the source after copying).
/A+:[RASHCNET]Add the given attributes to copied files.
/A-:[RASHCNET]Remove the given attributes from copied files.
/CREATECreate directory tree and zero-length files only.
/FATCreate destination files using 8.3 FAT file names only.
/256Turn off very long path (> 256 characters) support.
/MON:nMonitor source; run again when more than n changes seen.
/MOT:mMonitor source; run again in m minutes time, if changed.
/RH:hhmm-hhmmRun hours - times when new copies may be started.
/PFCheck run hours on a per file (not per pass) basis.
/IPG:nInter-packet gap (ms), to free bandwidth on slow lines.
/SLCopy symbolic links versus the target.
/MT[:n]Do multi-threaded copies with n threads (default 8).
n must be at least 1 and not greater than 128.
This option is incompatible with the /IPG and /EFSRAW options.
Redirect output using /LOG option for better performance.

File Selection Options

/ACopy only the files with the archive attribute set.
/MCopy only the files with the archive attribute and reset it.
/IA:[RASHCNETO]Include only the files with any of the given attributes set.
/XA:[RASHCNETO]Exclude files with any of the given attributes set.
/XF file [file]...Exclude files matching given names/paths/wildcards.
/XD dirs [dirs]...Exclude directories matching given names/paths.
/XCExclude changed files.
/XNExclude newer files.
/XOExclude older files.
/XXExclude extra files and directories.
/XLExclude lonely files and directories.
/ISInclude same files.
/ITInclude tweaked files.
/MAX:nMaximum file size - exclude files bigger than n bytes.
/MIN:nMinimum file size - exclude files smaller than n bytes.
/MAXAGE:nMaximum file age - exclude files older than n days/date.
/MINAGE:nMinimum file age - exclude files newer than n days/date.
/MAXLAD:nMaximum last access date - exclude files unused since n.
/MINLAD:nMinimum last access date - exclude files used since n.
(If n < 1900 then n = n days, else n = YYYYMMDD date).
/XJExclude junction points. (normally included by default).
/FFTAssume FAT file times (2-second granularity).
/DSTCompensate for one-hour DST time differences.
/XJDExclude junction points for directories.
/XJFExclude junction points for files.

Retry Options

/R:nNumber of retries on failed copies: default 1 million.
/W:nWait time between retries: default is 30 seconds.
/REGSave /R:n and /W:n in the registry as default settings.
/TBDWait for sharenames To be defined (retry error 67).

Logging Options

/LList only - don't copy, timestamp or delete any files.
/XReport all extra files, not only those selected.
/VProduce verbose output, showing skipped files.
/TSInclude source file timestamps in the output.
/FPInclude full pathname of files in the output.
/BYTESPrint sizes as bytes.
/NSNo size - don't log file sizes.
/NCNo class - don't log file classes.
/NFLNo file list - don't log file names.
/NDLNo directory List - don't log directory names.
/NPNo progress - don't display percentage copied.
/ETAShow estimated time of arrival of copied files.
/LOG:fileOutput status to LOG file (overwrite existing log).
/LOG+:fileOutput status to LOG file (append to existing log).
/UNILOG:fileOutput status to LOG file as UNICODE (overwrite existing log).
/UNILOG+:fileOutput status to LOG file as UNICODE (append to existing log).
/TEEOutput to console window and the log file.
/NJHNo job header.
/NJSNo job summary.
/UNICODEOutput status as UNICODE.

Job Options

/JOB:jobnameTake parameters from the named job file.
/SAVE:jobnameSave parameters to the named job file.
/QUITQuit after processing command line (to view parameters).
/NOSDNo source directory is specified.
/NODDNo destination directory is specified.
/IFInclude the following files.

Robocopy examples

In this first example, any .txt file would be copied from the hope directory into the hope2 directory. Whenever you want to copy one or more files and not a complete directory the file must be specified after the destination directory.

In the above example, the robocopy command would copy all files (not directories) in the hope directory to the hope2 directory.

In the above example, all files and folders (including empty ones) are copied from the hope directory to the hope2 directory.

This example mirrors what's in c:hope into c:hope2 and purge any files in the hope2 directory that don't exist in the hope directory. Use the /mir switch cautiously since it is deleting files that do not match in the destination directory.

Next, this example would copy any of the files in the hope directory on the network computer named computer to the current computer hope2 directory.

Additional information

  • See our copy definition for further information and related links on this term.

Robust File and Folder Copy.
By default Robocopy will only copy a file if the source and destination have different time stamps or different file sizes.

## = New Option in Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Robocopy download windows 10


By copying only the files that have changed, robocopy can be used to backup very large volumes.

If either the source or desination are a 'quoted long foldername' do not include a trailing backslash as this will be treated as an escape character, i.e. 'C:some path' will fail but 'C:some path' or 'C:some path.' or 'C:some path' will work.

If creating a progress logfile with /LOG , specify a destination directory that already exists, robocopy will create the file but will not create a log directory automatically.

Long FileNames

ROBOCOPY will accept UNC pathnames including long pathnames over 256 characters long. When copying a tree of multiple files and subfolders, if the destination folder has a longer name than the source folder, then it is likely some files will hit the 256 character limit.
Even when Robocopy successfully copies such files, other software may refuse to open them.

For compatibility with old software the User Profile folder contains a number of Junction Points, 'Application Data', 'My Documents', Recent, 'Send To' etc.
By default RoboCopy /S will follow a junction point in the source and copy the contents to a standard folder in the destination.

In the case of 'Application Data' on Windows 7 Documents and Settings%USER%Application Data is a junction point to Users%USER%AppDataRoaming, which in turn can contain the Application Data junction as a subdirectory.

In cases like this RoboCopy can create a recursive loop copying the folder into itself until the NTFS max folder name length of 32,767 characters is exceded. To avoid this use the /XJ or /XJD option.

Symbolic Links and Junctions

/sl Will copy symbolic links, this will copy a File Symbolic Link only, creating a new symbolic link at the destination.

For a Directory Symbolic Link, a Junction, or a Hard Link, RoboCopy will follow the source and copy the contents to a standard folder in the destination. For a backup program this is usually the desired behaviour.

To exclude Junction points from being copied you can use the options /XJ, /XJD, /XJF this will prevent the source files from being copied. The Junction Point itself will not be copied (either with or without these flags).

An NTFS junction point in the Destination will not be deleted by RoboCopy, if you select any options which delete from the destination (/purge, /mir) and the destination contains a junction, RoboCopy will blindly follow that junction and delete the contents.
The /XJ options do not affect this as they only exclude junctions from the source.

File Attributes [RASHCNETO]

These options accept any combination of the following letters, when several are specified, will match if any or all items match:

Multithreaded copying with /MT:n will improve performance until the network and file system latency become the limiting factor, /MT:4 is a good place to start testing.

To limit the network bandwidth used by robocopy, specify the Inter-Packet Gap parameter /IPG:n
This will send packets of 64 KB each followed by a delay of n Milliseconds.

Robocopy will fail to copy files that are locked by other users or applications, so limiting the number of retries with /R:0 will speed up copying by skipping any in-use files. The Windows Volume Shadow Copy service is the only Windows subsystem that can copy open files. Robocopy does not use the Volume Shadow Copy service, but it can backup a volume shadow that has already been created with VSHADOW or DISKSHADOW.

All versions of Robocopy will copy security information (ACLs) for directories, version XP010 will not copy file security changes unless the file itself has also changed, this greatly improves performance.

/REG Writes to the registry at HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftResKitRobocopy

/XX (exclude extra) If used in conjunction with /Purge or /Mir, the exclude extra switch will take precedence and prevent any files being deleted from the destination.

/B (backup mode) will allow Robocopy to override file and folder permission settings (ACLs).

To run ROBOCOPY under a non-administrator account will require SeBackupPrivilege (backup files privilege), to copy security information auditing privilege is also required, plus of course you need at least read access to the files and folders.

ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Changing File Attributes ... Access is denied
This error usually means that File/Folder permissions or Share permissions on either the source or the destination are preventing the copy, either change the permissions or run the command in backup mode with /B.

Robocopy 'Jobs' and the 'MOnitor source' option provide an alternative to setting up a Scheduled Task to run a batchfile with a Robocopy command.


Simple copy of all files from one folder to another:

Copy all .jpg and .bmp files from one folder to another:

Copy files including subfolders (even empty ones /E)
If this command is run repeatedly it will skip any files already in the destination, however it is not a true mirror as any files deleted from the source will remain in the destination.

List files over 32 MBytes in size:

Robocopy Examples

Move files over 14 days old: (note the MOVE option will fail if any files are open and locked.)

Backup a Server:
The script below copies data from FileServ1 to FileServ2, the destination holds a full mirror along with file security info. When run regularly to synchronize the source and destination, robocopy will only copy those files that have changed (change in time stamp or size).


SET _source=FileServ1e$users

SET _dest=FileServ2e$BackupUsers

:: /COPYALL :: COPY ALL file info
:: /B :: copy files in Backup mode.
:: /MIR :: MIRror a directory tree
SET _options=/R:0 /W:0 /LOG:C:batchRoboLog.txt /NFL /NDL
:: /R:n :: number of Retries
:: /W:n :: Wait time between retries
:: /LOG :: Output log file
:: /NFL :: No file logging
:: /NDL :: No dir logging
ROBOCOPY %_source% %_dest% %_what% %_options%

Run two robocopy jobs at the same time with START /Min

Copy only permission changes (additions and removals) assuming we already have a copy of the data:
ROBOCOPY FileServerC$ SVR-Backupsc$Backups /E /Copy:S /IS /IT


Robocopy XP027 is a standard command in Windows 7 and above. Robocopy does not run on Windows 95, or NT 3.5. (Robocopy is a Unicode application). The Microsoft Robocopy GUI will install Robocopy XP026 to C:Windowssystem32, this version can can run on older OS's, and includes some features from XP027 (/BYTES) but has competely broken errorlevel handling.


Robocopy /MOVE or /PURGE can be used to delete empty folders by setting source and destination to the same folder, but this does not always deal with nested empty folders in a single pass. It will work if Windows Explorer is closed.

Robocopy Switches

When copying files larger than 2 GB from some iSCSI/SAN volumes the copy operation may fill all available RAM and then stall out. This typically happens when the RAID virtual disk on the controller is set to write-through caching rather than write-back caching.
Copy utilities such as TeraCopy ($) and BITS will workaround this issue because they copy the file in larger blocks, however the cost of this is that copying smaller files may then be slower than using Robocopy. The /IPG option may help with this issue.

Robocopy Alternatives

Version XP026 returns a success errorlevel even when it fails.

“One, a robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm” - Isaac Asimov, Laws of Robotics from I. Robot, 1950

Robocopy Gui

Related commands:

Robocopy /MIR switch – Security changes added to Robocopy in Windows Vista.
Set-LastWrite - Reset Folder 'Last Modified' to the most recent file in the folder (PowerShell function).
DiskShadow - Copy open files (Shadow copies).
COPY - Copy one or more files to another location.
Robocopy GUI - Technet magazine (installs Robocopy XP026).
RichCopy free GUI copy utility - Ken Tamaru [MSFT].
DelTree - Delete subfolders and files / delete empty folders.
Convert KB/MB - Bits and Bytes, bandwidth calculations .
Q323275 - Copy Security info without copying files (/SECFIX or /COPY:S).
Equivalent PowerShell command: BITS cmdlets - Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
Equivalent bash command: rsync - Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees).

Robocopy Download

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