The Ethics Of Teaching Fifth Edition Pdf

Apr 25, 2009 The Fifth Edition features: A reconsideration of Equal Treatment of Students. An updated list of Recommendations for Further Reading. Written in a style that speaks directly to today’s teacher, The Ethics of Teaching, Fifth Edition uses realistic case studies of day-to-day ethical dilemmas. The book covers such topics as: punishment and due.


The Principles of Biomedical Ethics by Beauchamp and Childress is a classic in the field of medical ethics. The first edition was published in 1979 and “unleashed” the four principles of respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice on the newly emerging field. These principles were argued to be mid-level principles mediating between high-level moral theory and low-level. Ethics and moral behaviour are important because of people’s universal aversion to harm either physical or psychological. Harm is the experience of pain, suffering or deprivation against our will that results from the wilful or neglect act of another person. From the moral point of view harm is wrongful injury as a result of human action.


This bestselling text has been expanded to include the most important ethical issues in contemporary schooling.
The Fifth Edition features:

  • A reconsideration of Equal Treatment of Students.

  • An updated list of Recommendations for Further Reading.

Written in a style that speaks directly to today’s teacher, The Ethics of Teaching, Fifth Edition uses realistic case studies of day-to-day ethical dilemmas. The book covers such topics as: punishment and due process • intellectual freedom • equal treatment of students • multiculturalism • religious differences • democracy • teacher burnout • professional conduct • parental rights • child abuse/neglect • sexual harassment.

The Ethics of Teaching is one of the five books in the highly regarded Teachers College Press THINKING ABOUT EDUCATION SERIES, now in its Fifth Edition. All of the books in this series are designed to help pre- and in-service teachers bridge the gap between theory and practice.

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Praise for Previous Editions!
“Well-written and easy to read . . . should facilitate active class discussions.”
The Professional Educator

“This text will surely engage readers and stimulate them to discuss a dimension of teaching that has been for too long on the back burner.”
Phi Delta Kappan


The Ethics Of Teaching Fifth Edition Pdf Download

“An excellent discussion guide for preservice (applied) philosophy courses or for inservice teachers interested in considering how their actions affect student self-perception and classroom practice.”
Educational Leadership

The Ethics Of Teaching Fifth Edition Pdf Online

The Ethics Of Teaching Fifth Edition Pdf

Kenneth A. Strike is Professor Emeritus at Cornell University and Professor of Cultural Foundations of Education at Syracuse University. Jonas F. Soltis is William Heard Kilpatrick Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

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Ethics Of Teaching Profession

Further Readings

The Ethics Of Teaching Fifth Edition Pdf File

  1. Andoh, C. T. (2011). Bioethics and the challenges to its growth in Africa. Open Journal of Philosophy, 1(2), 67–75. doi:10.4236/ojpp.2011.12012.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
  2. Behrens, K. G. (2013). Towards an indigenous African bioethics. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 6(1), 32–35. doi:10.7196/SAJBL.255.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
  3. Mwase, I. M. T. (2013). Aspects of ubuntu for international research ethics. Fifth Annual Teaching Skills in International Research Ethics (TaSkR) Workshop. Indiana University: Center for Bioethics, 17–19 Apr 2013, pp. 1–27.Google Scholar
  4. Prinsloo, E. D. (2008). Ubuntu culture and participatory management. In P. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux (Eds.), The African philosophy reader (pp. 41–51). London: Routledge.Google Scholar